About the Platform

Health Data Platform is your window to plenty of valuable health data that everyone can access, use, and share freely without restrictions, all with the goal of advancing healthcare.

Our Values

Enriching healthcare through data


We enrich the health sector by providing open health data, ensuring it is accessible, accurate, and understandable for everyone.


We empower individuals, researchers, and organizations to make data-driven decisions.


We enhance public health by providing open data to its beneficiaries.


Our principles, to enrich the health sector.

Open Access

This principle ensures that the data of public entities is made available to all by disclosing, providing access to, or using such data, unless its nature requires non-disclosure or the protection of privacy or confidentiality.

Open Format and Machine Readable

The data shall be made publicly accessible in a machine-readable format that allows for automated processing. It shall be stored in widely used file formats, such as:( CSV, XLXS, or JSON)

Updated Datasets

The latest versions of open datasets should be regularly published and made available to the public in a timely manner. Whenever feasible, data collected by public entities should be released as soon as it is gathered.


Open datasets should be as complete and granular as possible, accurately reflecting recorded data while complying with the Personal Data Privacy Policy. Metadata defining and explaining the raw data should be included, along with explanations or formulas detailing how the data was extracted or calculated.


Datasets shall be made available to everyone without discrimination or the requirement for registration. Any person shall be able to access the published open data at any time without needing to identify themselves or provide justification for access.

Free of Charge

Open data shall be made available for all free of charge.

Open Data Licensing in the Kingdom

Open data shall be subject to a license that provides the legal basis for its usage while defining the conditions, obligations, and restrictions applicable to the user. Any use of open data shall indicate acceptance of the license terms.

Governance Model Development

Open data enables broad data access and engagement, reinforces the transparency and accountability of public entities, and supports decision-making processes and the provision of public services.

Inclusive Progress and Innovation

Entities shall actively promote open data reuse and provide necessary resources and expertise. In collaboration with relevant stakeholders, they shall empower the next generation of open data innovators and engage individuals, organizations, and the public in unlocking its value.